A New Season!

Kevin EshlemanPastor's Blog

So, people have been asking me if I feel any different since Sunday evening when I was installed as Senior Pastor of Ephrata Community Church.  Well, I thought I’d be walking on water by now, but then again I haven’t really tried – I’ll let you know how that goes.

But seriously, there is just so much to be thankful for.   I am very grateful for the team of leaders we have here at Ephrata Community Church.  Leaders who are willing to be honest, authentic, and work together for the best for the church and the Kingdom.  I am grateful for the congregation of Ephrata Community Church and their support during this time, and mostly, I am grateful for the grace of God, that enables us all to do more that we could ever imagine.

A number of people have asked me for copies of the 12 Declarations for Ephrata Community Church that I shared on Sunday evening so I have copied them here.  Every one will become reality!

12 Declarations for the Congregation

  1. This house will be a house of Worship. May Ephrata Community Church be a people of authentic worship; may we reflect the desire of our Father who seeks for those who worship in Spirit and in Truth. May God give us new ways to express our worship using all the arts and all that we are to give him glory.
  2. This house will be a house of Prayer – may Ephrata Community Church be a people of prayer, expressing our humility before the Lord, and our dependence on the Lord; reflecting His desire that His house is to be a house of prayer.
  3. This house will be a house of His Presence. May Ephrata Community Church express the heart of Moses in Exodus 33 and refuse to settle for anything less than the manifest presence of God, knowing that it is His presence that distinguishes His people from all the people of earth.
  4. This house will be a house of Discipleship. May Ephrata Community Church be a people whose lives are transformed by the renewing of our minds. May all of us be living, breathing testimonies of the transforming power of God, so that our light might shine before men, giving praise to our Father in heaven. Just like the believers at Antioch, may we so reflect our Savior that we are labeled with Him.
  5. This house will be a house of Children. May Ephrata Community Church have lots of children as we reflect the heart of Jesus who said, “let the little children come … for such is the Kingdom of heaven.” May we receive children and may we be a people that encourages and equips future generations for all that God has for them.
  6. This house will be a house of Youth. May Ephrata Community Church be a place where youth find purpose and direction; a life worth living for the glory of God
  7. This house will be a house for all Generations. May Ephrata Community Church be a people where all generations grow together, work together, and advance the Kingdom together.
  8. This house will be a house of Harvest. In Matthew 9 Jesus expresses a shortage of harvesters for a plentiful harvest. Jesus, we respond by saying; “Here are we, send us!” Ephrata Community Church will be your witness in “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the remotest parts of the earth.” Jesus was accused of being the “friend of sinners;” we willingly receive the same label. May this be a place where sinners find hope, restoration, redemption, and a new life in Jesus Christ.
  9. This house will be a house of Generosity. May Ephrata Community Church be a people of generosity, knowing that we, as a congregation, do not exist for simply our own benefit, but for the benefit of others. Freely we have received, freely we will give, wherever we can, however we can.
  10. This house will be a house of Community. The reality of our relationship with Jesus Christ is lived out in relationship with others. May Ephrata Community Church be a people of authentic community and a place where God places the lonely in our family.
  11. This house will honor all in the Body of Christ. We acknowledge the Body of Christ is large and diverse, and we choose to honor all expressions of the church of Jesus Christ while living out our specific role in the Body.
  12. This house will be a house of His Glory. May Ephrata Community Church be a place where our Lord Jesus Christ receives all the honor and glory that is due His Name as we live “in Him, who is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us, to Him be glory in the church, and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever, Amen!”